FROZEN: FORCES OF NATURE Podcast – Episodes 7 & 8 – Recap, Review, and Speculation

Well we’re past the halfway point and yes I am still listening to these as they are released – even though they are all technically available for a price on Wondery. So with that said, let’s dig into episodes 7 and 8, which finally start to give us some answers. Also if you want to catch up, here are links to my previous recaps:

Episodes 1 and 2

Episodes 3 and 4

Episodes 5 and 6

Also, is anyone enjoying these recaps or even reading them? If you are enjoying, please give a like to this or the other blogs or leave a comment saying you are not enjoying and why. ANY feedback is always appreciated as these seem to be getting views but not necessarily interaction.

Episode 7 – “The Confession” – Recap and Review

With a title like that you’d expect things to get to explanations quickly. Maybe a confession from Wolfgang that he has been working for the Duke of Weselton all along? But neither are the case. Instead we’re back to Elsa, Anna, and Disa in the enchanted forest. Gale is tearing the woods apart with fierce winds. Meanwhile Bruni is upset and ready to ignite again when Elsa offers Bruni her sleeve – which calms him down. The earth giants are also upset and causing tremors and rockslides. Things seem to be coming to a climax. Somehow Disa saves Anna and Elsa when the giants (inadvertently?) fling rocks their ways. Elsa tries to use her powers to stabilize things but it does not hold.

Disa and Anna get separated from Elsa and are trapped in a cave caused by the earth giants’ landslide. Disa is in a state of panic and Anna manages to calm her down. But they need to figure out a way to get out of the cave. When Anna says “I can’t believe Wolfgang did this…” And at one of their darkest moments, Disa admits that she made the automatons! (HA I WAS RIGHT!!!! ELSA WAS RIGHT!!!) Anna admits that she had Wolfgang arrested. Disa says that she did not intend to harm the forest but wanted to help Arendelle with science by doing things like purifying water and digging up ore. Disa says she did not admit to it to this point because she wanted it to be a surprise. Anna lightly chides her but promises to forgive her if Disa can get them out of there. They manage to dig out of the cave together, which is not as deep as they thought. Anna says that she will keep the confession between them, though she will also tell Elsa.

The Elsa/Bruni interactions are my favorite parts of this podcast – small as they are. Maybe it’s because these really sound like heartfelt moments but maybe it’s because whenever the voice actress speaks to Bruni, her voice sounds a lot more like Idina Menzel than otherwise. I also loved the Anna and Disa interaction in this episode. Elsa’s tenderness and Anna’s empathy are two of their greatest qualities and they are on full display in this episode. The idea that Disa waits until this moment in the adventure to admit that she made the automatons is CRAZY. And highly suspect – though I suspect more of a function of plot than character, unfortunately. And I do feel like the resolution of this episode feels a bit too neatly and tightly tied up.

Episode 8 – “The Duke of Antlers” – Recap and Review

Anna and Disa make it to Arendelle and take Wolfgang out of the castle jail. Disa admits her guilt and asks for forgiveness from Wolfgang. He agrees happily, saying he quite enjoyed his two day stay in jail as it felt like a vacation. Wolfgang has written an opera in the Arendelle jail – even though he has only been imprisoned for two days – called “The Duke of Antlers”. Anna is impressed and asks how he wrote an opera in two days. Wolfgang wonders if it was only two days. And in response, Disa offers a great definition of time, “it can be considered the fourth dimension of reality, the progression of events from past, present, to future.” Although the definition seems to mostly give some perspective on Wolfgang’s writing process for the new opera, I found it unique and accurate – a diamond in this rough of an episode. Afterward, dinner is prepared for everyone. Anna looks for Disa and Wolfgang informs her that she is working on something, presumably another invention, and that Disa had asked for Wolfgang’s extra copper. Meanwhile, Wolfgang seems to want to put on a version of his “Duke of Antlers” opera after their big dinner.

Elsa finally shows up back in Arendelle, after being separated from Anna and Disa back at the avalanche. Elsa is riding the Water Nokk (!!!) on land and to the castle – apparently the Nokk will allow Elsa to freeze it so that she might ride it on land. Elsa confronts Disa – but Disa turns to quickly leave without discussing her inventions. Meanwhile back inside the castle, Matthias apologizes to Wolfgang for imprisoning him (I suppose that reveals his source of knowledge). Wolfgang implores Mattias to help him with his burgeoning opera production.

It is finally dinner time. Disa addresses Anna and Elsa as Queen Anna and Queen Elsa (meaning that Elsa is technically still a Queen – kind of interesting and at least an answer to a question I’ve posed in speculation in a previous blog). When Wolfgang kindly asks Disa for more information on the automatons and mining capabilities, Disa avoids answering and instead quickly retreats to her room. Anna wants to chase after her, but Elsa implores caution, telling Anna that Disa did wrong (meaning that Elsa ALSO knows Disa made the automatons but frustratingly this information was given to Elsa outside of the podcast’s story per se). The podcast ends as the after-dinner performance of “The Duke of Antlers” begins. And it is implied that this will be a very long opera.

Again, things are wrapped up all too easily between Disa and Wolfgang – so easily that I do wonder what happens in the next few episodes. The definition of time was eloquent and succinct though it felt like a bit of a throwaway in terms of plot and character – though perhaps it is hinting at something bigger in Disa’s inventions for future episodes or some kind of twist. Wolfgang gives a sweater to Olaf. I’m also confused as to how much Elsa knew upon returning to Arendelle. Apparently Anna told Elsa at some point, though that was not related in the podcast, making for a confusing story – as I was constantly waiting for a big Elsa/Disa confrontation which was not to be.


As usual, I offer a few questions and thoughts about where the podcast might go…

One note, I was right all along that Disa was to blame for the automatons – but I was ALSO right in that she was not acting maliciously. To me, this all felt very in-line with the type of storytelling and adversaries native to the world of FROZEN. But now that we have answers and the mystery is essentially revealed, where do we go for four more episodes?

  • We still have four episodes left – will anything happen beyond more apologies? What weird confessions might Wolfgang or Disa admit to? Will the Duke of Weselton make a grand third act entry (probably not as this theory is looking less and less likely)?
  • Where is Disa running off to? What is she trying to create? We still have four episodes left – but that doesn’t seem like enough for a huge twist. This is clearly the biggest mystery left unless you count…
  • What exactly are Matthias and his troops digging? I assume that Disa’s final invention might intertwine into this mystery.
  • Will Disa’s final invention have anything to do with time or clocks or what exactly? What does Disa think Arendelle needs?
  • I find it odd that Olaf can wear a sweater so easily and not melt.

2 thoughts on “FROZEN: FORCES OF NATURE Podcast – Episodes 7 & 8 – Recap, Review, and Speculation

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