I Tried The LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Coca-Cola. An Honest Review.

I love Coca Cola. I can only drink one or two a day at this point in my life but I still do – pretty much every day. And while I generally don’t try all Coca Cola Ultimate Edition products, when one catches my eye, it is an instant buy – see Coca Cola Starlight. But when Coca Cola announced that they were doing a League of Legends flavor in their Ultimate Edition line and XP flavor at that – I 10X’d it and went directly down to Ralphs and bought a 12 pack. They only had the baby airline cans (and believe me I looked for the 12oz cans) of LOL Coke but I took what I could get. Now the flavor is definitely referencing LOL proper – the PC game and not ARCANE (the anime on Netflix) or RUINED KING (the Nintendo spin-off LOL game) but still it felt very adjacent to the concerns of this blog and perhaps fertile ground for a future vlog idea.

Let me start by saying I thought both the box and the can had some very cool artwork. And Frankly I liked the name “+XP Flavored” – I mean who else has always wanted to try what experience tastes like. Imagine being a character and mainlining that stuff straight to your heart. Anyway, I digress.

When I got home, I tried it immediately, and full disclosure – that may have been the issue. Maybe it would have tasted better if LOL Coke was cold but it was not. On my first drink I thought the beverage tasted a bit like Shasta Black Cherry. But on the second drink, watermelon began to creep in. On the third and fourth taste it shifted to something a little more minion-like.

Yeah it tasted like bananas. So LOL Coke is basically banana flavored soda – but it has some bite to it. I’d almost label it a black banana flavor (going off of black cherry flavor). And it was not good. Now it may have been the taste BUT going against it was the fact that it tasted exactly like the numbing agent that my dentist uses right before I get a root canal. Which is also banana flavor (delivered via a cotton swab to my gums). Not a great association – but that’s the taste. So I probably will not be buying another pack of LOL Coke but I will keep an eye out for future flavors – especially gaming ones.

This post originally appeared in my sibling blog tankobonito.com.

One thought on “I Tried The LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Coca-Cola. An Honest Review.

  1. I tried it when it first came out, it was so weird and interesting and definitely not my taste. I couldnt even finish the bottle.


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