13 Weird Things I Learned From Watching THE BATMAN 13 Times IN THEATERS

As THE BATMAN drops on HBO MAX tomorrow, I decided to reflect on my experience with the film so far. Yeah I am a lunatic who has watched in 13 times. Maybe that's not that crazy but it feels like it. But for me, this is a film that goes far beyond genre-defining and became … Continue reading 13 Weird Things I Learned From Watching THE BATMAN 13 Times IN THEATERS

Are the MORBIUS Post-Credit Scenes Really That Bad? YES – But in the Sony-verse maybe it does not matter | JUST STATING FACTS

I did not hate MORBIUS. And as such, I was prepared to write a blog that defended the MORBIUS post-credit scenes. I was prepared to do an entry of my ongoing series "HEAR ME OUT" series after listening to all the online negativity surrounding BOTH MORBIUS AND its post-credit scenes. But that was before I … Continue reading Are the MORBIUS Post-Credit Scenes Really That Bad? YES – But in the Sony-verse maybe it does not matter | JUST STATING FACTS