Just A Theory: 10 Reasons Why It Will Be Sylvie All Along In Tonight’s Loki Finale

Just wanted to get this crazy (probably wrong), but I can’t stop thinking about it, theory out there before the big LOKI finale tonight. I meant this to be WAY more in depth but oh well, it’s been a long week at with multiple strategy sessions and crazy office work that make the TVA seem like a pinic – so I just thought I would bullet point these and write out the TEN reasons why Syvie is actually behind everything in LOKI. So let’s get ready to see just how wrong I am and you all can laugh at me tomorrow. So here are the ten reasons.

1. “It’s real” – Hunter C-20’s testimony and why did we never hear from Hunter C-20 again?

Hunter C-20 says “it’s real” but what, exactly, is real??

Hunter C-20 repeats this over and over in her interrogation. Does this mean something considering her connection to Sylvie (pka Loki or Lady Loki) – and more specifically does it mean that the threat is real, that Sylvie is real and the actual threat and did Syvie conveniently dispense to her once she became too much of a threat to potentially disclose her secret?

2. We still don’t know Sylvie’s reason for being pruned – remember, even the Loki alligator had one.

We’ve seen Sylvie as a child, but ONLY through the eyes or memories or what she thinks are memories… of Ravonna Renslayer.

That’s right, even the Loki alligator ate the wrong cat. Classic Loki, Kid Loki and Boastful Loki all had reasons for pruning. Every Loki variant has very specifically told us when, where and why they were pruned. But not Sylve. It is apparently because she was born a female – but considering there was a universe where Loki was an alligator I’m not buying it. She may have never been pruned. Yes there is a flashback but that occurs ONLY in Ravonna Renslayer’s memory – which could have been toggled and manipulated by Sylvie if she truly is the Sylvie that is Marvel’s Enchantress (more on that in point #8).

3. Why is Sylvie aging – while everyone else seems to stay the same age once arriving at the TVA?

The Loki’s in the void seem to not age – even presumable Alligator Loki – but Sylvie….

Every other Loki variant – including Kid Loki and Classic Loki seem to stop aging once entering the TVA and exiting their timeline but Sylvie has aged 20-30 years. Why is this? Is it because her past is a lie, because the other Loki’s are (again) also enchanted by her?

4. What happened to Sylvie’s “timebombs” and the pending crisis at the end of episode 2? Weren’t those… a problem?

Those seem to have completely been curtailed and dispensed of between episode 2 and 4 – and not even a problem once Loki and Sylvie return to the TVA. Was it merely a ruse to get Loki to join her – an inconvenient macguffin now dispensed when its usefulness to her plot has been accomplished? It sure seems that way.

5. It could also be a future Sylvie… and a future Loki

Even if it is not the current incarnation of Sylvie that is accompanying Loki, I think it could be a future Sylvie in which case she will be accompanied by a Loki at the end of time and the two of them have set up this time loop, commandeering the powers of TVA to make sure that their meet cute happens over and over again and that it is the now correct timeline, even though it started as an offshoot of the TVA.

6. What could Sylvie’s motivation be?

I think Sylvie is trying to find someone – her match, her equal, maybe one could even say her partner and is testing Loki’s through time and using the apparatus of the TVA to do so. Think about it, why are there so many Loki’s in the void? Why are they the only ones to survive? Sure they may be good at this gambit, but it also may be an overabundance of numbers. Even Mobius notes that there are so many you could throw a rock and hit a Loki. Are these all discarded potential partners – not good enough, now locked away from their timeline into the void?

I think Sylvie is trying to prove that a Loki can change and can deviate from their given path by testing all of the Loki’s and that perhaps our MCU Endgame Loki Variant is the first that has taken it steps father than any of these previous Loki variants.

Or (more on this in #8), Sylvie is NOT a Loki Variant and is instead trying to cause misery to every variation of Loki for something that her version/variant of Loki did to her.

7. “The Lady Loki is the bad guy” theory has now done a complete 360.

Remember at the beginning of Loki, around episode 1 and 2 when people were spoonfed the idea that Lady Loki WAS the bad guy and totally dismissed that and quickly spiraled into Loki and Sylvie are OTP and need to be together forever? Well maybe that was ACTUALLY what the show wanted us to believe so that now they could pull the rug out from under us and say that she ACTUALLY WAS the bad guy all along. It’s crazy but it’s the exact kind of thing a self-aware, self-reflective and a very well-versed in TV tropes writer like Michael Waldron (who also wrote for the self-aware RICK AND MORTY) might do.

8. Sylvie is not Lady Loki or even a Loki at all but The Enchantress, literally dropped right in front of our faces.

Very low res pic of Marvel’s Enchantress

Marvel’s Enchantress (not to be confused with Cara Delevingne in David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad” – no ‘the’ please) is otherwise known as Sylvie Lushton. Who also just happens to share a name and a history with our Loki. Although this was either (1) ruled out as a possibility at the beginning of the show or (2) swallowed with a degree of “well this is MCU version of Enchantress and her motivations could be entirely different and she is an entirely different person that shares some vague look-a-like qualities and naming qualities” a la Taskmaster in BLACK WIDOW or the first Mandarin in IRON MAN 3. But maybe this is a double-fake. At first we think this is just a re-imagined version of Marvel’s Enchantress in the MCU but what if Sylvie in LOKI is really Marvel’s Enchantress in the MCU.

You see Marvel’s Enchantress was given great mystic powers by Loki when he created her as a tool for chaos and taught her how to do certain things as a child such as mind-control, making people believe in mass delusions – all things that this Sylvie may be doing and manipulating on a mass scale to take control (or heck – even CREATE) the TVA. So she has been this agent of chaos all along – someone who – as in the comics – resents both Loki and Thor and takes her revenge on these characters equally.

9. SUPER Crazy Theory: This will all be setting up Ravonna Renslayer for Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania and her as an ally or assistant to Kang – as she will be motivated to want to control time and will be fed up with the hijinx caused by Sylvie.

Kang is coming to the MCU – but probably not tonight, at least as a major player in this show – maybe more as a post-credits “I’ll do it myself” kind of a moment if anything at all.

One of the biggest OTHER theories for who is behind it all is Kang The Conquerer, a legendary comics character. But I don’t think it is. First, I don’t think the MCU would intro who could possibly be the next Thanos in a Disney Plus show as the main antagonist of that show. Sure he could have a cameo or even a post-credits scene but to be revealed to be the antagonist and the architect of Loki and Sylvie’s misery would be a bridge too far and rob him of much of his dramatic weight that will occur in Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania and potentially far beyond that. HOWEVER, we could set up the main motivation for Ravonna Renslayer to team up with him as she does in the comics, in the wake of discovering that Sylvie had been conning her all along. And to potentially team up with Kang as a means to stop this time abuse from ever happening again.


What does this have to do with anything? Well with the vast majority of MCU casuals thinking that Kang is behind everything in this show. But again, I don’t think he is and further proof is the feature that Loki head writer Michael Waldron wrote AFTER writing LOKI which is DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS, which leads me to believe that this Sylvie and/or Loki may actually be the bad guy of THAT film and this film is a set-up for that (Loki has been rumored for a while to be in DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS). And DS IN THE MOM (that sounds yuck and I think I’d rather just write it out next time) is shaping up to be a feature culmination of a few of these Disney Plus shows. Then we’d also get Ravonna and Kang teaming up in that film, becoming a threat (who knows – again might be a post-credits scene) and ultimately playing out their villain turn in ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA (I sure hope I don’t have to write that again).

Or maybe Kang The Conqueror will be a three story villain and start here in LOKI, continue in DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS and end in ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA (I did write it again – yuck). And I might just be totally wrong.

But those are my reasons. Have fun watching the finale tonight everyone!

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