It’s May 26th, which Means I Ate The BTS Meal at McDonalds

What is the meal:

  • 10 piece Chicken McNugget
  • 1 Medium Fries
  • 1 Medium Sprite
  • 1 Cajun Sauce
  • 1 Sweet Chili Sauce

Overall thoughts before eating:

I picked up this meal because I’m a big Chicken McNuggets fan and a BTS fan – McNuggets are EASILY my favorite food at McDonalds and maybe my favorite fast food PERIOD. Now part of the love of McNuggets is the nugget itself and part of it is the sauce. For me – that is always BBQ and a little hot mustard (2 to 1 ratio – not mixed but in terms of dipping nuggets) – and occasionally I’ll mix in a sweet and sour sauce.

The BTS Meal above was announced last month and finally debuted today. I got the alert on my McDonalds app and I ORDERED ASAP.

Now lets talk about this meal. What makes it special? So for those who have criticized or are planning on criticizing this meal on the basis that it is not very different from a regular “#6” aka the 10 piece Chicken McNugget Meal proper, they are 100% wrong, because in many ways, McNugget sauces make or break the meal. So adding these two very original, very precious sauces is huge.

Just for this comparison I also picked up some standard McDonalds McNugget BBQ sauce as a basis for comparison.

So – how big of a BTS fan am I?

Heck yes I am a fan ok. And granted I will admit. I mostly came to BTS well past when they were well past being featured on GMA or even Car Pool Karaoke which makes me WAY, WAY WAY late to the party, like years. I knew about them years ago – ok, but they just had not entered by sphere of experience yet. And then when the pandemic hit, I watched a lot of TV. And I really loved the series of commercials they did for Samsung including the Strange Tailor Shop below (which came out during the pandemic – about 8 or 9 months ago in late summer/early fall of 2020):

And their La Parfumerie commercial, also for Galaxy.

This band is awesome. I’ve now put them in all my music libraries – Youtube music, Apple Music, everywhere. Does this make me a dope that it took me this long to come around and only because of TV commercials – probably, but I knew that already ok!

Back to The Meal: How Was The Chicken?

Nuggets were solid as always – these weren’t fresh but they weren’t cold or old either. I’d say perfect for letting the sauce do the talking in the meal.

How was The Sweet Chili Sauce?

Now I tried this one first and I thought it was GREAT. It was the sweetness of the sweet and sour sauce with just a hint of spice, a little kick. It also had an almost fruit/jelatin type consistency which made it stand apart from other sauces in the mcnugget family. I give this an 7.2/10. I’d put it below Hot Mustard but above Sweet and Sour. I would definitely order if it was on the menu consistently but I might only use 2-3 out of the 10 mcnuggets in that sauce.

How was The Cajun Sauce?

I tasted this second and I thought it was EXCEPTIONAL. It was kind of like Burger King ring sauce with a little bit of a kicker – a little bit more spice. It was somewhat similar to Caines sauce if you’ve ever had the house sauce from Raising Caine’s but it was a little less “mayonaissey” and a bit more of the other ingredients. I give this sauce an 9.3/10. If this was on the menu regularly, I would order it all the time and I would gladly use 5-7 nuggets of the 10 nugget portion on this sauce. It could go higher – I need to eat it again over the next month and will return with some follow-ups but for now this is the second best Chicken McNugget sauce, second only to… BBQ.

So how about The BBQ sauce?

As I said, the McDonald’s BBQ sauce is one of my all time favorite condiments – maybe my favorite. It’s a 9.8/10 every time. I’d give it a 9.9 or a 10 but I need something to look forward to in life (arguably two things since I am preserving two ratings), even if it is a more perfect McDonalds sauce. And I am saying that with a deadly amount of seriousness. But this was the first time ever and I mean EVER that I’ve thought about taking the BBQ sauce down to maybe a 9.5. Maybe it was a bad batch of sauce. Maybe the cajun sauce just showed me what I’ve been missing.

What about the Sweet Chili and Cajun sauces on the French Fries?

EVERYBODY knows that one of the great things about ordering McNuggets is that you then get to use your McNugget dipping sauces for your fries. Right? So how are the sauces on the fries?

I would say GREAT. Especially the Cajun. Sweet Chili was a little odd – but that may have been only because of its consistency which might be better for a larger piece of food like the nugget than a smaller piece like a fry which might not be able to handle that gelatinous consistency. But the Cajun sauce on the fries was OUT of this world. It’s like an even better version of that BK Ring Sauce – which is in and of itself a sauce for sides (specifically rings – duh).

My one critique of the fry portion of the meal – why not a large fry? I guess BTS are trying to stay fit and svelte but medium fries seem so small for a fat American like myself. I guess you can size it up on the app but also I felt guilty doing that and not like I was properly paying homage to the spirit of the meal.

How was Sprite as a drink?

Well I liked this the best. Sprite is the closest thing that we can get to a palette cleanser at McDonalds so it is really perfect as something that can be used to wipe away the taste between the two sauces while you are trying them and comparing them. Also I like Sprite from McDonalds (yeah we’ve all seen the memes), but it is also cool that it is now established as the drink of choice for both Travis Scott AND BTS. Speaking of…

Do you like this better than the Travis Scott Meal?

Well I liked the Travis Scott meal ok but it really felt like more of a repurposing of existing menu items. But it was kind of fun to put lettuce and bacon on a QP (and gave the taster a completely different burger experience – seriously put lettuce even on a McDonalds HAMBURGER and it RADICALLY changes the game) and again I like that Travis stanned for Sprite. But I might have to notch the BTS meal a few rungs about the Travis Scott meal only because I like the idea of bringing new menu items into the fold.

The Final Verdict

Go to McDonalds now. It is my prediction that these sauces are gonna sell out EVERYWHERE and will soon be selling for well over $20 on ebay per sauce so go get one like TODAY. NOW. The Cajun sauce is a game-changer and needs to be on the normal McDonalds menu.

Now I’m gonna go back to watching my favorite BTS Galaxy commercials – specifically the black and white “Life Goes On” commercial – and hoping that concerts happen again soon and when they do I can actually get tickets (not freaking likely).

Have a great day.

3 thoughts on “It’s May 26th, which Means I Ate The BTS Meal at McDonalds

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