How To Fix “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” For a Live-Action Remake

I really like, no love, Walt Disney Studios’ 2001 animated film “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”. It’s got a number of things going for it - Mike Mignola character and vehicle designs, an Indiana Jones meets “20,000 Leagues Under The Sea” inspired plot, and an anamorphic 70MM presentation that makes it one of the nicest looking … Continue reading How To Fix “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” For a Live-Action Remake

JUST STATING FACTS: Why I Love Disney’s “Artemis Fowl”

"Just Stating Facts" is a recurring column where I argue one my (many) unpopular opinions. Look I loved 2019 2020’s “Artemis Fowl”. A theatrical and IMAX release that was dropped on Disney Plus for no Premiere Access surcharge (ahem “Mulan”) in the middle of June when everyone was still staying at home, quarantining and just … Continue reading JUST STATING FACTS: Why I Love Disney’s “Artemis Fowl”

5 Outside-The-Box Ideas for Disney Live-Action Remakes

In the spirit of this weekend’s “Mulan”, I thought I would think outside the box of the normal "Snow White", "Peter Pan", "Pinocchio", even "Brave" mentions in these types of blog posts and write up a list of 5 Disney Animated films that are less-well-known (that I mostly love) that I would like to see … Continue reading 5 Outside-The-Box Ideas for Disney Live-Action Remakes

Billie Eilish on Tiny Desk at Home is the best concert of 2020.

If you haven't watched it yet, forget my blog. Do yourself a favor and scroll down and click on the link below. Doesn't matter if you are huge Billie Eilish fan, never heard of her, mid-tier fan, or thought her Grammy outfit looked like something out of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" (I personally LOVED the outfit … Continue reading Billie Eilish on Tiny Desk at Home is the best concert of 2020.

RANK THIS: The Disney Live-Action Remakes of Animated Films – Including “Mulan”

A decade into the Disney Live-Action Remake trend, I take stock of my favorites and least favorites. Truth be told, I'm a huge fan of these films and I would give a "thumbs-up" to anything beyond the two Tier 4 films. TIER 4 - The Trash Pile: 14. Lady and The Tramp (2019) This movie … Continue reading RANK THIS: The Disney Live-Action Remakes of Animated Films – Including “Mulan”